Sunshine Blogs

Monday, June 28, 2004

The online SunBurst is getting a makeover

We try to anticipate your needs and desires in getting news to you about Sunshine Cathedral that is timely and relevant. For a long time the online SunBurst has mirrored the print edition. This meant that articles were repeated when you had already read them and occasionally articles about events just about to occur may have disappeared when you went to look for them. You may have noticed some changes recently in format and style, but fasten your seat belt — there’s lots more coming.

The major difference is that the online SunBurst will become a constantly changing resource, not a static newsletter that is updated once a week. As such, the date that used to be in the upper right-hand side will disappear. Articles will appear in order of posting, and they will be dated. When an article is no longer relevant, it will disappear.

The other big change is that SunBurst is joining many other online publications — such as The Washington Post, BBC News, CNN, and ABC News — in generating RSS feeds. What is RSS? RSS (or Really Simple Syndication) feeds are content feeds from Web sites that contain article headlines, summaries and links back to full-text articles on the web. RSS readers are available where you can view SunBurst along with headlines from many other web sites. And you can put SunBurst on your My Yahoo page by simply clicking on the button on the new SunBurst.

The new SunBurst is now in beta testing. You can see it at Please take a look and let us know how you like it by email to me at or I look forward to reading your comments.


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