Sunshine Blogs

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Good News is Still Needed

"With God, I can do all things! But with God and you and the people you can interest, by the grace of God, we're going to cover the world!" Aimee Semple McPherson

In the last few weeks, I have been bombarded with prayer requests by people who have discovered they have serious health challenges. In this same time, people have spoken to me about their struggle to reconcile sexuality and spirituality. Finally, during this same period of time, I have received what I affectionately call "hate-mail" from Internet viewers who say that our message of inclusion and affirmation is not only wrong but offensive to God. It's been an interesting few weeks.

What all this communication (both the requests for support and the unkind accusations) tells me is that we are very much needed! There are people who still struggle to believe that God loves them just as they are. There are people who are facing difficult realities and who are making life-changing decisions and they need hope and wisdom and loving community as they face their circumstances. And, there are misguided souls who continue to spread hate and fear as they insist that God shares their prejudices. Whew. We have lots of work to do.

Of course, in Reality, we are all made in the divine image and we are all connected in the universal Web of Existence. Because this is true, there is hope and encouragement for everyone. But who will share this good news? Those of us who have been liberated by it! So, let's continue to support our church with time, talent, and treasure. Let's continue to pray for all who are on our prayer list. Let's continue to invite more and more people into our faith community. Let's develop our daily spiritual practices and let's keep Sharing the Light with the World!


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Leaders in Progressive, Inclusive Religion

Leaders in Progressive, Inclusive Religion: "I am grateful that The Episcopal Church, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the United Church of Christ, the Unitarian Universalist Association, and the Presbyterian Church in the USA have been discussing human sexuality for years now. I'm grateful that most recently the ELCA has adopted a progressive and inclusive statement on human sexuality. The UCC and the UUA progressed faster on issues of sexual justice and inclusion than some of the others, but they've all been willing to challenge assumptions and prejudices and to consider new ways of being 'the Church.' Additionally, Reform Judaism and the New Thought churches have proven themselves gay friendly. Meanwhile, Metropolitan Community Churches (founded in 1968) have ALWAYS affirmed the dignity of LBGT people, have always ordained LBGT people, and the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches was blessing same-unions long before anyone thought gay marriage would ever be legal anywhere! I'm proud of MCC's moral/social leadership. I'm glad and grateful to be part of the MCC movement.